

Aesthetics/ethics of the Flesh
André-Louis Paré 6
Renaissance flesh: exhibithing the sexism of the past
Itay Sapir 16
Sculptural Skins: Surface as Content
Sarah Moore Fillmore 26
Remembering Armenian Genocide: Michael Rakowitz’s The Flesh Is Yours, The Bones Are Ours (2015)
Mehmet Berkay Sülek 36
Porous Skin(s)
Justine Kohleal and/et Tak Pham 46
Between Oceans and Wounds: Notes on Anthropophagic Contemporary Artistic Practices
Luísa Santos 58
A “Visual Bomb” for a Half-Sleeping Country : Chile’s Underground Diva of the Sexually Grotesque
Julia Eilers Smith 68
En carne propria: Tania Brugera’s flesh as work
Analays Alvarez Hernandez


Digital carnivorism : an interview with Philippe Hamelin
Laurent Vernet


59e édition de la Biennale de Venise, The Milk of Dreams
Julie Richard 90
Manif d’art 10, Les illusions sont réelles
Nathalie Bachand


Flesh Arranges Itself Differently
Maximiliane Leuschner 98
Jeffrey Poirier, Pando
Geneviève Thibault 99
Crónicas: Resonancias, Chroniques : Résonances, Chronicles: Resonances
Aude Sirey du Buc de Ferret 101
Élaine LaBrie, Le moindre geste
Christian Roy 103
Anicka Yi, Metaspore
Sandra Barré 105
Cynthia Girard-Renard,
Petites baleines à dents, volet 2

Jean-Philippe Uzel 107
Nicoline van Harskamp, Englishes
Jessica Minier 109
Nadège Grebmeier Forget, pour ce qui brille, minutie for that which shines, minutiae
Ariel Rondeau 110
Ta’n a’sikatikl sipu’l|Confluence
Ray Cronin


selected titles

Cover :

Jes Fan, Soft Goods I, 2017. Digital inkjet print, 56 x 71 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Empty Gallery, Hong Kong.

Nº 132

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