Clara Lacasse is inspired by the construction of narratives linked to history, nature, science, and the collective imagination. Focusing on the photographic image, her work supports a critical reflection on the representations created by visual culture, and on the image as an instrument of knowledge and power. Her projects are often the result of collaborations with scientific, medical, legal or cultural organizations. Through these partnerships, she bears witness to the complex dialogue between science and culture, questioning the truths inherent in both. Lacasse holds a BFA with a major in photography from Concordia University.
In 2019, she participated in a research-creation residency in Fermont as part of the programming of the artist-run center PANACHE art actuel (Sept-Îles), and was the recipient of a development grant from VU, center de diffusion et de production de la photographie (Québec). Her solo exhibition Un jardin nommé Terre (2021) marked the culmination of a two-year project, probing in depth the transformations made to Montreal’s Biodôme, a structure reinvented since its creation as a velodrome for the 1976 Olympic Games. This first solo exhibition was presented at Galerie d’art Desjardins (Drummondville). Her projects have been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec.
Title: Diorama and Tear in the Wall
Year: 2015
Dimensions: 39.4 x 49.5 cm (image) / 42.6 x 52.7 cm (with frame)
Medium: Archive quality inkjet print – Edition 1/3
Price: $800 (framed)