Stan Douglas: 2011 ≠ 1848

On 15 June 2011, my Comparative Civilizations teacher in high school introduced our class to the work of Mark Rothko, showing us slide after slide of his alternately ominous and euphoric colour-field paintings. Convinced that I had detected precisely those “basic human emotions” Rothko sought

Poetics of the voice

In an essay titled “Der Erzhäler,” translated into English as “The Storyteller,” philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892–1940) offers a stunning proposal concerning experience and wisdom. Taking a work by Russian storyteller Nicolai Leskov (1831–1895) as an example, Benjamin makes the following hypothesis: “The art of storytelling

Space in the feminine

Russian and U.S. film industries recently got involved in a rivalry regarding the release of a film, several scenes of which were filmed in the International Space Station (ISS). Even if the ISS has often served as a model for various film scripts since its

Parc Offsite: An Interview with Eli Kerr

For the past 7 years, Eli Kerr has been committed to producing exhibitions through emerging alternative models in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal’s contemporary art scene. After working for a few years as cofounder with Daphné Boxer of VIE D’ANGE, an art space that closed in the midst of

It’s all happening so fast

If there is an urgent matter that must dominate government decisions from now on all over the world, but more precisely those of the industrialized countries such as Canada, it is certainly the one linked to climate. Regardless of efforts to create a balance between

Re-territorializing Public Space

With the dismantling of monuments of controversial figures, calls to change the names of streets and public places, as well as protests seeking a just recognition of minority groups, the public sphere, associated with the democratization of exchange between citizens, has undergone profound change, even

Laboratory thinking

Unless you are Robinson on his desert island, the arrival of Covid-19 and the current public health crisis along with the ensuing debate, notably on its origins, has reminded us of an obvious fact that (