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Milutin Gubash, exhibition catalogue

Milutin Gubash, exhibition catalogue, co-published by Rodman Hall Art, Centre/Brock University, Carleton University, Art Gallery, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Southern Alberta Art Gallery and Musée d’art de Joliette, 2013, 192 pages. Colour ill. Eng/Fra.

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Graeme Patterson. Secret Citadel

Graeme Patterson. Secret Citadel. Hamilton, Ed. Art Gallery of Hamilton and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 2013, 200 p. Ill. colour. Eng/Fra.

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Philip Monk, Glamour Is Theft : A user’s guide to General Idea, 1969-1978

Philip Monk, Glamour Is Theft : A user’s guide to General Idea, 1969-1978 © 2012 Philip Monk, Art Gallery of York University, 256 p. ;

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